Some habits that will boost your intelligence


What’s up, guys? ........... I hope you all are doing well. Today I would like to share my views on “Some habits that will boost your intelligence”. There can be so many methods that will boost your intelligence. These can vary person to person but according to my opinion these are:
First, always ask questions and try to find their solutions. This is the best exercise for the brain. This increases your knowledge also. Second, try to think of different ideas to find a solution to any problem. 


Third, you should play at least one game in your life like football, basketball, cricket, etc. Fourth, read something every day like one chapter of the book, newspaper, and magazines. Fifth, Watch inspirational speeches and educational videos. Sixth, check in with your favourite knowledge sources. Seventh, always share your knowledge with others as much as possible. This is the best way to test and increase your knowledge. Eighth, always apply what you learn in your life. Practical learning is always better than theoretical learning. Ninth, make your goals list and try to achieve them one by one. Tenth, also make a list that you don’t want to do.


 Eleventh, write down what you learn daily. Twelfth, stimulate your mind and take online tuitions in free time. Thirteenth, talk to someone you find intelligent and interesting. Fourteenth, gather interesting information from your surroundings. Always focus on the good and try to avoid all nonsense in your life. Fifteenth, play smart and interesting games but never be addicted to them. Sixteenth, try to do something adventurous and explore new areas. 


Seventeenth, surround yourself with the people who are smarter than you. Eighteenth, never ignore your hobbies like drawing, designing, etc, and practice these on a daily basis. Nineteenth, exercise, and eat a healthy diet.  

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