Understanding cycles of fashion


What’s up, guys? ......I hope you all are doing well. Today I would like to share my views on “Understanding cycles of fashion”. A fashion cycle represents the way of changing fashion from time to time. We can categories the cycle of fashion into many stages like First, what is the fashion and fashion trend. Fashion trends can be changed but fashion is eternal. Fashion trends depend on seasons and fashion designers. Fashion designers are the biggest influencers in the life of every common person. As the designer's fashion changes their copies become the center of attraction in the market. Famous designers influence the small designers and small designers influence the small markets and common people. 


Second is the popularity of fashion trends.  The third is the decline of fashion trends. And the last and the fourth is the rejection of trends by the people. Always try to make your own unique style and fashion. Understanding the cycle of fashion is very creative and calculative work. Every person does not have the ability to understand the fashion cycle. In each season fashion trends will change and people always want something new designs every season, so dress designing is the art. 


Fashion trends also influenced by demographic and dynamic criteria. So we can say that the fashion industry is very careful and calculating art.  

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